ITT: We fill this chart

Be it animes, studios or manga, it doesn't matter, just place them where you think they belong.

Attached: ArtCompas.jpg (125x125, 1.96K)

too small

Courtesy of Any Forums for making it.

Attached: Mybad.png (840x840, 27.71K)

>the message is objective
>but the market is subjective
Whoever made this chart is not as clever as they think themselves to be.



>The Craft determines
What exactly does that mean?


Kuso thread

The craft determines the value, for the lack of a better explenation, good = skillfully done

>Pretentious and retarded thing
>Is from Any Forums
Yup, checks out


Oh, so how well it's made, the thing in-of-itself rather than the things surrounding it.

I guess I agree the most with that position then, as the intent of the artist is irrelevant, the message is irrelevant as to the actual level of quality of the product, and saying that the market determines what art is "best" is fucking soulless.

Attached: image.png (840x840, 55.24K)

I just fap to anime girls man

The labor theory of value is a left-wing concept though.

Attached: 1655548102779.png (840x840, 40.07K)


You really had to use the political compass colours, didn’t you? Well, they do match up according to which side would agree with. (blue is correct and the craft determines how good it is)

Just as the political compass, top middle is best

The fucks the difference between, "the artist determines" vs "the craft determines"?

The only correct answer.

Art is subjective
Art is intent
The artists determines
This is the ultimate truth and anyone who disagrees is a mouth breathing low IQ monkey whose opinion does not matter.