One Piece

If Oda decided to kill a Straw Hat next arc, who would you prefer gets written off and why? (and how)

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IMO, Zorro or Sanji would probably have the best death scene because both are actually strong and they probably will have the biggest social media impact.

But Oda will never do that

Usopp dying on Elbaf

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this one probably will be the most likely outcome

It's has been 18 years since he's shown up and I still can't get over how fucking stupid he looks

>Straw Hat next arc,
I would NOT like any of them to die but I think Sanji is the one who has shown the most disrespect to Luffy so it would be him I guess.

If he joins, I want Yamato to immediately die. Otherwise, no one.

I don't really like Chopper so my vote goes to him.

You should've listened.
It's still not too late.

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Usopp is a nigger

Chopper gets killed for motivation. That character does literally nothing anymore.
>b-but user he saved a bunch of extra EXTRA literal-who tier mooks!
You're just proving my point. Hell, his status as the token 'cute' character gets stolen every arc now.

Probably Jinbe, he's been around long enough and has a strong enough connection but isn't exactly main group so he's pretty good for a strong, emotional death.


chopper usopp brook and franky all dying would be ideal but none of the crew is going to die

Chopper gets killed for emergency food

Maybe if there were 48 fewer side characters in every arc now he'd get some love. Also removing a magical god-doctor with the most powerful fruit in the setting.

Ive had this serious gut feeling zoro will die by the end. It makes sense, its something hed do to protect. I am honestly expecting it

robin is goin to die 100%

Jinbe for sure. He doesn't have a real goal. Is not as marketable (main straw hats won't die) and feels distant to the crew.

I want that chopper guy death.
Biggest feat is the being the most boring character on the straw hats even more than Jinbe.
Weakest straw hat and has not developed as a fighter. Is basically a mascot.
Most boring dream and should not be achieved.
Ruins chapters with his boring storyline and cringy diologue.

brooks because he's already dead


Shanks feats:
>gets his arms eaten by what's really a medium sized fish by one piece standards
>give a hat to an, arguably dumb, kid
>clash with a bedridden, drunk and drug filled Whitebeard
>gain a crew of people whose only member that we actually know is a dude who Left his sick wife and kid home to not pay child support
>lost against Blackbeard
>staring menacingly at people
>get drunk, a lot
>tried to make friends with everyone because he is scared of everyone
>clash with Kaido, off screen, probably just drank with him
>looks at newspaper and then looks at the sky (A LOT)
>Considered STRONG AS FUCK

Buggy feats:
>almost killed luffy, stopped canonically by plot armor
>stood up to a prime Whitebeard who just created a Tsunami
>actually survived Mihawk Attack onscreen, no off screen bullshit
>gathered crew of dangerous people Sentenced to level 5 of ID
>created a worldwide business that gives jobs to lots of families
>defeated vice admirals + fleet
>survived attacks by Kizaru/Akainu/Aokiji
>Made enemy out of everyone , doesn't fear anyone
Considered WEAK BLUFF

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JUST A REMINDER that: niggers

Fuck that fat fucking fish for stealing Carrots slot
He had a million deathflags already but Hackda refuses to kill him off

Zoro by falling down stairs.

I don't think any crewbember will die though. If Oda had wanted to kill a Straw hat, he would have killed one instead of Ace.


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this kills the carrotfag

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Year? Of Yamatroon's death.

He would be the third weakest. Nami is, followed by Usopp, then him. This isn't even counting the use of Rumble Balls. Funny thing is, if it did count, his strength would fluctuate, making him either the third weakest, or one of the strongest, being on par with Sanji in his monster form.