
Despite the author not being able to draw that good, it's the best delinquent manga out there.

If him and Baki's author got together they could do an even greater fighting manga.

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>it's the best delinquent manga out there
Not even close fag

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>not being able to draw that good
Or write. This manga is shit.

Honestly you guys are right but the fighting moments are so entertaining I just forgot how clumsy the story was.

>I just forgot how clumsy the story was.
like a solid 10/10?

It just feels like one of those Adam Sandler movies you watched because there was nothing else on TV to watch, and you didn't have any expectations but keeps you engaged and the plot ends up moving you.

But the final pages were kinda lackluster. Final fight was kino, and I love the fucking author butt ins. Made me want to start fighting again.

>But the final pages were kinda lackluster.
why? is the perfect ending

did you forget Yu Yu Haskusho?

Clover's characters all feel like styrofoam to me. Just really lackluster and unengaging.

I think the best delinquent manga is probably Crows or Worst.

I read it recently (in one sitting) and thought it was pretty good, like a 8/10 except for some boring parts near the middle that were like a 5/10. I liked the last arc, and could relate to the characters, which is more than what I can say of other similar manga

for me, it's Be-bop High School

>I think the best delinquent manga
is pic related

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>o my straight one-two, folded 1000 times
the fights are retarded, MC is a skelly manlet and has no business winning any fights

He just becomes a master fighter by practicing some punches in his room

false, that's gto the early years

I have to disagree.

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all delinquent manga is garbage, why would I want to read about the japanese equivalent of niggers


I'm talking about kamishiro just taking izawa's place, i was hoping to see him move forward

Any other third worlder here have a problem with japanese "delinquents" because they don't feel just like a bunch of privileged edgy kids playing pretend instead of the real delinquents stabbing people and smoking crack two blocks away?

Brazilian here, and yeah they're pretty much larping. I often forget that they're privileged kids running around pretending to be tough and just enjoy the plot and sometimes I think to myself "every situation they're putting themselves in would just become gun violence very quick."

And in case of Holyland, if I wandered through the streets at night I would just get shanked by a crackhead, if I tried to fight someone I'd just get jumped or shot.

For me it's pic related

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