Birdie Wing

Are you watching AOTS?

Attached: mario if he real.png (1280x720, 870.51K)

>the second word

mario if he real

Attached: 1649994146429.jpg (1378x1570, 336.22K)

Haha sneed outfit.

It was kinda hard to make out, was it buchou telling her to aim for the right of the green? Either way, this was a nice little bit of development for caddy-chan.

Also I absolutely loved that after all the pining for each other for like half the show, the second Eve and Aoi got onto the tee together they started bickering like an old married couple.

Attached: [ASW] Birdie Wing - Golf Girls' Story - 11 [1080p HEVC][50508FFC].mkv_snapshot_16.13.763.jpg (1920x1080, 761.45K)

This show is ending in 2 weeks? Shame.

I tried, dropped after 3 episodes. It's shit. Stop trying to pass bad anime as hidden gems with *that* picture.

>This show is ending in 2 weeks
Second cour is almost a given.

mario if he

*that* picture?

Yes, didn't have this much fun with Gundam ever since 00

Attached: FVSS9M8UcAEHcSM.jpg (926x1293, 243.75K)

Attached: FVITbWBaMAMVWQH.jpg (606x800, 160.26K)

Mario if he real

THAT picture

Is this yuri?

Mario is he ___ real.


Attached: vlcsnap-2022-06-01-15h10m23s874.png (1280x720, 811.01K)

L is real 2401

"mario if he real" for pure yuri love scenes

Attached: 1636161313500.jpg (766x466, 144.43K)

2 more episodes.

There will NOT be a second season.

There will NOT be a split cour.

It's still fun, but the first half of the show was much better if we're being honest. I really hope they have some trick up their sleeve or something.

Are you too gay for tournament arcs?

Amogus inside red circle???