Remember. Dragon Chads RULE this industry

Remember. Dragon Chads RULE this industry.

Attached: Namek.jpg (1778x1002, 114.33K)

Other urls found in this thread:

No. People who watch that crap don't have a job.

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dragonball is the most overrated piece of shit in the entire history of anime

>Projecting THIS hard.

Dragonball was actually not bad. It's the crap that came after when they started adding extra letters to the name that was bad.

>bad because.. I say so
Any Forums keks having no taste as always, kek

The bad threads shouldn't influence your opinions of the show.
DBZ was good. Dragon Ball was a comfy kino adventure/battle shonen. Basically avoid all that came after Z.

>Basically avoid all that came after Z.
No. Now what?

You don't surprise me with your newfaggotry whatsoever. It's expected. This is a Dragonball thread.

Attached: [ARC] Yokohama Kaidashi Kikou Quiet Country Cafe 02 [DVD 576p AC3].mkv_snapshot_32.18_[2021.10.09_17.45.09].jpg (768x576, 90.84K)

Why didn't you point to the user above using "kino" then, o guardian of oldfaggots?

I would have if I had cared to read every post in a Dragonball thread of all threads.

>Now what?
Not my business.

I'm not in the cancerous DB threads but I've been a fan for decades, even before you were born.

>tripfags opinion

Reminder that you're all arguing with this absolute fucking loser, you should show pity and just let him win.

If he hates DB so he's a winner.
Based user.

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Fuck off with your boogieman schizo

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Pan >>> the ugly gremblin Anya
Piccolo >>> the faggot spy Twilight

Attached: dbss.jpg (1080x1215, 155.97K)

Funniest thing is when he tries to samefag and forgets to turn off his tripcode

Nope. What the hell is that video anyway.

>Being a loser makes you a winner
Your favorite character would have been Vegeta.

Reminder to filter all tripfags

There's only me. The rest got tired of dealing with all you zoomer newfag idiots. They didn't have the mental fortitude.