She's perfect, i love her. Best personality, best height, best body, best sister, best mother, best seiyuu.
You Love her too. No Niggatoro posting itt.
She's perfect, i love her. Best personality, best height, best body, best sister, best mother, best seiyuu
watch more anime
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Marinfag falseflag
>literally a 13yo boy's body with bolted on tits
sorry but you're gay
13y old boys today are lanklets. Uzaki is delicious below 150cm.
I love her, but her manga is hot trash.
Actually this is how 13y old boys look like. I cant wait until S2, who's her VA, anybody know?
I Can agree that anime and voices gave IT soul. Oozora saves everything.
My queen…
Fat girl cope.
Tits are slightly too big but otherwise yes she's perfect.
she's great and the way she completely mindbreaks every twitter leftist retard makes her even better
>when your anime is trash but you pretend to like it because it makes twitter nobodies mad
I want them all.
That’s not hard