ITT: Iconic Frames

ITT: Iconic Frames

Attached: iconic.jpg (600x338, 36.5K)

Attached: Tomino.jpg (2560x1426, 894.58K)

noooo plz don't punish me mama usagi

Damn you beat me too it. I was thinking of the same pic except yours is better.

Attached: 1649025283186.jpg (1920x946, 363.06K)

Attached: images - 2022-06-15T134323.775.jpg (346x886, 50.7K)

Attached: 1635771752751.png (2560x1427, 2.74M)

The shot of his back turned is the iconic super saiyan frame if you ask me.

Attached: E8B27FDC-AFC3-4175-BC72-8B8727F10A41.jpg (500x375, 36.02K)

Attached: Akira.png (1920x1080, 2.51M)

Attached: boobs.png (1920x1080, 1.19M)

Attached: 1625977961185.jpg (1280x720, 119.33K)

And of course

Attached: 6812F5FE-9D17-4852-8959-2BAF3E63BB58.jpg (1300x648, 60.16K)

Attached: 4577694.jpg (480x360, 15.56K)

Attached: 65F1D95A-55CE-4602-9EBC-F9017D7AF8E4.png (640x476, 234.28K)

Attached: GitS Camo.jpg (1280x688, 187.7K)


Attached: Making of a Cyborg.jpg (1280x688, 155.19K)

Attached: 366b0982b9829769edf7e749626970b4.png (1920x1200, 3.81M)

Attached: CHESUTO man.jpg (1280x720, 133.21K)

This frame single-handed cemented anime in the minds of westoids forever.

post the final battle against the tachikoma

the one where she rips her arms off

Attached: FRj_6HyVUAASr5P.jpg (300x589, 27.02K)