One Piece

Spoilers soon

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When will buggy start splitting atoms


So we need to rework our Yonko Commander Rankings by including Mohji and Cabaji.

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he already did
how you think he become yonko

Who's gonna collect Kaido's and Big Mom's bounty, because you know...they're dead???

yamato? more like yamatroon

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>they're dead
so show me their bodies

Did Dragon eat the Wind-Wind fruit?

>the current Yonko on that cover
Dammit, mind fucked yet again

well there's really only one person in the world that can retrieve them safely and he's fleet admiral now

was it rape?

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Is construction worker in the back a secret Yonko?

Imagine showing this image to Loguetown Luffy

If the navy picks up a criminal with a bonuty on their head, then the WG keeps the bounty. Shit sucks. Navy officials should be corrupt in such a retarded system and sell off criminals to bounty hunters for a part of the bounty.

They're either trapped in a volcano or launched into the Big Mom pirates ship.

He's the lurking legend

large bounties are never actually paid out. They are just a way for the government to establish criminal power levels

why is he wearing a top? Males don't need to hide their nipples!

Was it consensual? The answer to that question is the opposite of the answer to yours


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>they're dead
Imagine after all these arcs of One Piece still not understanding that villains never die
Like how many times does it take for the average IQ to detect the pattern? Aren't we well past that point?

The goat represents Imu
And digger represents Akainu

zoro is a fag so yeah

Friendly reminder that MIDhawk is YC1 level at best. Him being captured by admiral is absolutely making perfect sense.

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CHADmiral Green BULL breaking and draining your YC1-2s in an instant

He should save himself the embarrassment and join Buggy's crew.

Isn't that obvious, seeing as he's Zoro's opponent, who is also Yonko commander level?

Can Luffy beat these guys now?



Buggychads where you at?

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