Do you buy officially localized manga? yes? shame on you

Do you buy officially localized manga? yes? shame on you.

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Seven Seas licensed survey is being shilled here on Any Forums EVERY SINGLE MONTH. Do not tolerate them.

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As of recent I’ve only done so for one series that I want to be a success.

Slave is a big no-no user.
Think of all the slaves!!

Aren't they the ones that censored and removed a bunch of Mushoku Tensei lines in the LN?

Oh, look, seven seas is changing shit once again?
Good thing i only get my seven seas works like a proper man that sails the seven seas.
The one i remember was when Rudeus was looking at Eris panties while he was teaching her, or more specifically, he looker up her skirt while she slept, originally seven seas version he either covered her up or fixed her dress so she wouldn't flash her undergarments at someone.


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in the current year of manga and video games, any "mean words towards women and marginalized people (whatever it means)" is going to get altered.

how much do you want to bet that a woman translated that?

Maybe you shouldn't read shit and you wouldn't have this problem.

They also removed any reference to Paul raping the maid. They went back and undid it after backlash though. Apparently the translator did it faithfully and then it was censored by editors without her knowledge.

vast majority of offical translators are women (male & female).
not many competent people want to work full time for peanuts.

>victim blaming

What do you even get out of defending this garbage practice?

It's alright, I ask them to license stuff that would drive them into bankruptcy and public hate every time.

>victim blaming
Nah, just shitposting. It's always funny that people that complain the most about this shit apparently don't actually understand how the process works and will blame the wrong people. It's also ironic this stuff gets changed for dumb reasons when if it actually became an issue if it were left in it'd just be free publicity

Seven Sees just seems unreliable as fuck really. I think one of the chink BL translators complained that they basically rewrote their tl and it's unrecognizable and wrong, another recent one with some crossdresser BL where they rewrote the dialogue as if the crossdresser was a tranny.

Did they fix that in the re-release? I was gonna read the LN but not sure if I should look for some fan TL now.

I believe they did reissues for MT, CotE and IFTV since those were the main complainants at the time.

This is disgusting to see, I grew up playing japanese games and all of them have translations that are fanfiction tier
Very disgusting

Im a spic so this rarely happens with spic versions, worst case scenario they add regionalisms.

I'll just be over here with my bokuyaba jp volumes

Translating has been a joke ever since people realized you can just throw everything into google translate and make small edits to save you 80% of the work. There are very few translators who actually do care about the audience, and even go out of their way to explain cultural differences.

If this sort of thing bothers you then the only thing you can do is to learn Japanese. Which, if you spend more than 2 hours per day on Japanese media, is a pretty good investment,

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Incluso con regionalismos nuestras versiones siguen siendo mucho mejor la mayoria del tiempo solo por el respeto al original siendo más importante que adaptarlo a las sensibilidades de nuestros paises tercermundistas culeros.
While I really want to kiss the girl that translates the Bakemonogatari manga in our country for keeping lolicon as "lolicon", the entire manga is plagued with typos and some bad translation choices imo.

i'm very confused about why some middle schooler is associating a class mate with sex slaves in the first place

Hispanic chads aren't SJWs

if "hispanic chads" had their way you just would not get manga or anime at all because of catholic-bred xenophobia
were you homeschooled? i'm sorry your sisters weren't hot enoguh

have you never been a middle schooler, autist-kun?

Who cares? Translations should be faithful. Americans of all people don't get to act as if they were righteous.