When does it get good?

when does it get good?

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When the boat trip gets going. Pino sass and Re-l cabin fever.

Maybe never? On which episode are you? You know that there is not an objective "good" and different people have different tastes? If you don't like it just drop it.

>If you don't like it just drop it.
B-but... my MAL list.... I-I have to complete my list! m-my backlog! I need to be able to say that I have seen the thing!

episdode 3. if this kino doesn't burn itself into the back of your retna and completely capture your attention then it's simply not clicking. drop it and try again in a few years

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this. Keep watching. It doesn't matter if it gets good or not


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the thing is much better than ergo proxy, watch that instead

Never. It's garbage.

I liked the start the most, though it's a good show over all.
Watch some shounen if you feel challenging yourself is hard.

>ED is Paranoid Android
based. mught have to start this one.

Read a book like Pino you stupid nigger!

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shhh! pino is reading a book

Maybe after the quiz show where they infodump you the whole story, you'll finally realise what's going on and you'll be able to enjoy it

>from beta s01boi to pussy slayer


I watched about half, decided it was ok but still interesting, and stopped watching. Maybe I’ll get around to finishing it someday

it doesn't and the animation quality goes rock bottom near the end.

When she starts lifting toilet seats and sniffing the pungent air.

In the first episode, if not then wait after the first 12 episodes. If it still doesn't work then I guess you'll have to see something else.

boat episodes and the game show.

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