What does modern Any Forums think of Legend of the Galactic Heroes? Hotpockets deleted the last before I could read it...

What does modern Any Forums think of Legend of the Galactic Heroes? Hotpockets deleted the last before I could read it. One of the things I enjoyed about this show was that it doesn't really paint either side as right or wrong and presents the flaws within both of these of governance. The characters are obviously the best part though. Who is best boy? Which ones make your heart go doki doki? For me it's Mittermeyer and Schencopp, although I can't deny that I find Yang's laid back attitude pretty cute as well.

Have you read or watched any of Tanaka's other work? If not, The Heroic Legend of Arslan is pretty good but the OVA is really short.

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As usual my threads never garner a single reply, some things never change. I have to head out for a bit and I'm not the type to shamelessly samefag.

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You reminded me to pick this up from my backlog, so thanks and have a bump

No offense user but the show is already discussed to death by anyone who has watched it here , people would just be repeating the same talking points again

It's the greatest anime of all time, also what said

It's dry, overrated but still very good, what else is there to say? No one on Any Forums ever tries to discuss the subtext.

The animation and sound are worse than the novel's, the first battle is based on the nonsensical premise that attrition doesn't happen to the larger force and the rest of the military tactics and technology aren't much better, and the one-off characters were far more interesting than the main cast for the 20 episodes over which it supposedly gets good.


>presents the flaws within both of these of governance
It does no such thing. It shows that both can have bad leaders, but it does very little beyond that because there's very little politics or governance in the show.

>legend of the reddit heroes

If you want good logh threads try Any Forums or /lit/. Any Forums only discusses flavor of the month moeshit

>not even in the top 150 reddit anime

>The animation and sound are worse than the novel's
Do you know what you're saying?

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>One of the things I enjoyed about this show was that it doesn't really paint either side as right or wrong
Except when it comes to Earth cultists
Fuck those guys

What is Hotpockets?

I think that the main reason of earth cultist being despicted so bland its because if he wrote more accurate despiction the glowies might have got him. Also because cultist in general ARE bland af.
Their ideology is completely retarded

It is great, if slow at times, with amazing meme potential

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I'm enjoying Die Neue These so far. Character designs took some getting used too but it's an alright show so far also let's talk who best girl was, Greenhill or Mariendorf?

Earth cult is a great idea just horribly executed and the weakest part of LOGH

Attached: Mariendorf best girl.jpg (923x681, 55.85K)

Best anime by far. That's common knowledge for anime veterans but threads like these will only invite moeshitters and shounetards who haven't watched it to come here and shit on it.

As for other Tanaka works, I've watched the Seven Cities Story but that was only 2 ovas so there's not much to it. And I've also watched Tytania which was bad. But it's actually kinda worth the watch if you ever wondered "How would LoGH be if it was a typical anime".

Overrated trash

Dumbest post on Any Forums today