Would you accept a gold digging kot's offer in isekai?

Would you accept a gold digging kot's offer in isekai?

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As part of a harem.

What are the advantages to beastfolks developing bipedalism.

easier sex

>"healing" manga with abused/scarred girl/s
>it's cuckshit with a full on cuck backstory with the girl/s sucking cock and getting fucked being shown off while the MC gets jack shit
Every time. The worst part is how popular these stories still are on Any Forums.

Well go on, what was it?

um, yes?

You know exactly which manga I'm talking about.

There's like a new isekai manga every week user I really don't.

>can see further and spot enemies from further away
Lots of predators can't sprint for very far. If you keep your distance, they'll never attack you.
>can reach higher
A plus for any creature that might be interested in apples or other tree fruits.
>free hands
Can transport tools or food. Food is not always found where you live and tools cannot always be improvised where you need them
It also allows you to use weapons more effectively.

No. I don't want to be cheated on, sued, slandered, lose millions of dollars and my career.

You know that someone will go full /tg/ on this one don't you?

To put it short bipedal main advantages are environmental manipulation(even something as simple as throwing stuff has some science behind it) and depending on who you ask there are some advantages to conserving stamina while moving due to becoming more energy efficient
Seeing further and reaching harder are debatable there are very interesting evolutionary paths one can take regarding field of view on four legged herbivores and we have a lot of freaks with long limbs covering reach although you could argue being bipedal gives reach without putting stress on the hearth or limbs

Manipulating the environment is the main draw, at least for creatures with 4 limbs

>implying the justice system in isekailand is as bad as Earth's

>Like this yet want to be loved unconditionally by the MC.
No wonder Freya winning hard

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You do remember that our ancestors were four-legged rodents right?

That kind of thing only happens to us because our society is terminally ill. A gold digger that has nothing to gain from backstabbing you won't do it, unless you married a BPD gold digger.

It's not an isekai, it's called training slaves to make a harem. That other user it's fucking retarded who fits the description of everything I don't like it's cuckshit.

You know, why haven't there been more NGNL clones? The only one I remember is that baseball isekai and that only came out in like 2021

Not true. A women would backstab you and cheat on you just because she is bored and wants some drama on her life.
She doesn't have to have a BPD.

And it's going to end too soon.

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Unironically harder to make since that means they need to have given more than 5 minutes to think about the setting

>read this
>Instant diamonds

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dumb politician