One Piece

While Wano certainly had its flaws, it also had some of the most hype moments in the series. How the fuck is Ryokugyu supposed to compare to Kaido? AIIIIEEE VINE WHIIIIPU

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Your boyfriend.

shouldn't have botted the poll

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You're halfway there to understanding the Yonko are fodder compared to chadmirals

does the anime touch more on Onimaru being a devil fruit user?
The manga kinda just shows the transformation back to doggy and that's it, yeah?

Oh look, Oda still remembers Chopper is Zoro's little brother


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If you aren't a Zorobro and maybe a Usopp fan I think the arc was pretty good for your favorite characters overall. The irony in that Zoro's story got lost in what was kind of his arc.

admirals > yonkou

oda based the admirals off actors who he holds to the highest regard

>We got Caesar back
>He will boring the boring Germa with him
Monkey Pawn

Yamatroons were hyping the ugliest boobs in one piece


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Damn, he was popular.

>just straight up fucking dies

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Wano cunny best cunny

I'm not a fan of those and the arc was pretty mediocre

god I want Nico to step on me

The Magician didn't return

Kiku looks more womanly than both yamato and nami

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So Oda openly panders to globohomo now?

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They’re all bros, family of some sort. That’s literally the point driven through the series and why the two years didn’t affect em. They’re family/nakama just as siblings in real life

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Where? I only saw Gangsta Gastino. Caesar ran away with Bege remember?

dismember yourself, Any Forumstard

Sanjibros we're 1cm taller in anime


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>How the fuck is Ryokugyu supposed to compare to Kaido?
By being a better character.
Kaido was a poorly written glorified filler villain whose title was a chinese knockoff Whitebeard's.

yep, people who think Sanji and Zoro seriously want to kill each other are south americans

Wdym? Those are pecs

Yeah but Zoro and Chopper are more so than the others. Zoro has a habit of picking up younger brothers as seen with Johnny & Yoasku

Gastino x Sogekin team up when?

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MADS is coming back
just wait till Queen lands on a piece of driftwood and gets picked up by Judge

Why is Tama riding Nami?

They really thought they were going to get away with tainting the first ever world wide poll for One Piece huh

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Apoo once again weasels his way out. What wacky hijinks will he get into next time?

He'll live
he has to

Nah. Oda cut that whole story from the plot, like many. But basically it had been the sidekick of an old samurai that was also missing an eye, who asked it to guard the swords of wano until the the scabbards returned before he went off to die fighting Orochi and Kaido

Since Kiku in the women's bath (even though it was established bore that Wano baths are unisex) took priority over him mourning his brother's death, the answer is probably yes.
I imagine Oda's netflix contacts might have played a part in influencing him.

she says she wants to be as bewitching as Nami when she grows up

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Guess there's only room for one Hachiko reference

In an SBS Oda did family roles and Zoro was the Eldest brother, meaning they’re literally all his little bros. I know what you mean about Chopper though, Zoro’s played that father figure big brother who stepped up role with Chopper…like Davy Back Fight or when he bathed him in Alabasta