The peak of manga. You can't get better than these 3

The peak of manga. You can't get better than these 3.

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t. 16 year old

>t. likes garbage like lucky star

do you only read japanese comic books about people fighting/killing things?
your opinion is worthless, go back.

vinland saga is nowhere near the other two, nowhere near them.

>Vinland Saga
I'm sorry but no user. Do not ever put that shit on the same level as Berserk and Vagabond, it jumped the shark in the most embarrassing way.

it was in the first and second arc but everything after is just ok

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Typical from men who don't actually work out or struggle.

My opinion is worth more than someone who wastes his time watching little girls go to school. Go back to Any Forums.

babby's first 3 seinen

Both of you are fucking retarded, vinland saga can't even compete with berserk or vagabond. Also lucky star is way better than vinland saga.

Incredibly based. These brainlets can't comprehend REAL writing.

Tell him user.
Rope, tranny.

Vinland Saga is garbage, at least put Planetes by the same mangaka there.

>Vinland Saga
I sure hope this is bait.

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the next 2 being OPM and Fire Punch

Go back to twitter

I gave Vinland a shot, and it feels like edgier shounen. It doesn't seem to have the same depth of Berserk. I haven't tried Vagabond yet, but 2 volumes into Berserk, I was already really immersed and that's before the Golden Age even begins..

>Never read Vinland
>Vagabond drags horribly after Denshichiro's death for me.
>Thoroughly liked Berserk found it really, really great but there are still some better Mangas out there.
That's just my experience though.

What are you top rated?

Vinland stated off as a shounen, then later on it changed to a seinen magazine. I'd recommend you read it to chapter 50ish at least, if you don't like it at that point then you can just drop it.

>pseduointellectual garbage
>other two turn into boring shit after the first couple arcs
read more manga

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Fire Punch is shonen.