My lesbian experience with loneliness

Well this explains a lot.

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based op

Worst part was after that when the dumbass school told everyone

>One bad sexual experience
>Turns gay
Do women really?

not just woman. a lot a kiddies who got raped by pedos usualy turn gay / fat / or gay and fat.Cus usualy pedos do grooming rather than straight up rape.

is known as having a relationship when the target is legal

rly? i thought it was when basicly the pedo goes and currupts the poor kid into thinking doing sick shit is ok.

lol i just saw what grooming ment. it's basicaly hitting on a girl and winin. though my point still stands that most pedos use that instead of straight up rape.

Just finished reading the firat chapter. Honestly I really feel bad for her and hope she is well and doesn't fall back in a dark place.

Been there...

>barges in and puts you in his lap
>touches your pussy
>refuses to elaborate further

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No, the guy attack her because she was into woman, is the opposed

No, this is a rightoid talking point pretending correlation implies causation.

He tried to turn a lesbian straight by fingering her? Seems counterintuitive.

eh what do you mean. elaborate.

No, he tried touching her becuase he like women but it was so bad the women turned him gay

Not only she became a lesbian but she wrote about her experiences so obviously she didn't recover

When I was a little kid, my older sister and her friends groomed me.

you a boy. thus the real question is: was she hot?

They were all normal looking girls.

you liked it? did they do anything fucked up to you?