Could Hisoka beat Ging?

Could Hisoka beat Ging?

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we know shit about him other than he's super strong and experienced

no, Ging has returned from the dark continent already so he's at least an entire tier higher

>Ging has returned from the dark continent
How after so much time to read do you still manage to spout bullshit

Obviously not.

Obviously not. The clown couldn't even touch Chrollo.

Netero/Guards > Ging/Beyond/Botobai > Zeno/Silva/Chrollo/(Killua) > Hisoka/Illumi/Razor/Biscuit

Leorio beat Ging, and is clearly weaker than Hisoka.
Therefore, Hisoka can beat Ging.

Botobai should be in the same tier as Zeno and Silva

>Netero> Ging
No. Netero isn't at his prime. There are probably like 2-3 Zodiacs stronger than him.

You're a moron if that's what you think. The manga clearly implies that even not at his prime Netero is still the apex of human power and no one will ever be stronger

Where? Tell me.

Not even Don Freecs?

Pitou said that adult Gon was stronger than Meruem

No I'm not gonna go back and find some random pages in a 300 chapter manga, but it's implied if you're not autistic to miss it. Characters such as Morel or Nov said some shit like if Netero can't defeat the Guards then no one can, Zeno saying that Netero slaps his ass all day long, the whole training flashback showing that Netero is the only man to have gone so far in the pursuit of strenght, Meruem himself if I remember praising him and saying he is the epitome of human strenght or some shit like that. HxH doesn't have retarded shonen power creeps and Togashi established that Netero is peak human power

Adult Gon doesn't exist it's a permanent state in which Gon used his maxxed potential if he had trained as hard as Netero, which will and would have never happened because Gon doesn't want to be the strongest man in the world

>Nooo my headcanon is right
Stop being retarded.
Netero isn't at his prime.
He is dead.
He is a supporting character and the strongest old master who dies in the middle of the story.
Comparing him to Ging, a super genius, who also fathered Gon, someone said to be a genius found in one in ten million and who has the potential to reach Meruem's level with pure training he is nothing. What he got from old age was the fact that his aura is unreadable.

Hisoka will die of old age

except adult gon is stronger

You're retarded and you will be very disappointed if Togashi ever shows us Ging fighting seriously

You are the dumb one here. Netero not being able to defeat the RG or Meruem praising him change nothing. Meruem himself is a baby who hasn't seen much of the world. Netero reaching new heights thanks to dedication doesn't mean he is the peak of human potential. It is even implied that Maha is stronger.

>No, you are wrong
Pathetic. Funny you say this, you won't get to compare them.

You're the one not being able to read through the lines, obvious implications, but you're all shonenshitters who love those power creeps so I can understand.
>It is even implied that Maha is stronger.
No faggot and they fought before Netero went to the mountains

Whatever retard believe what you want

>well actually in canon it says-

Well actually in the canon it says that Gon's fangs could reach the King not that he's stronger than Meruem which is an anime mistranslation, faggot. But you're a retard who counts Adult Gon as his own character so why am I bothering

Stop shitting up threads about the same topic you massive faggot, kill yourself.

>obvious implications
Lol. HxH is a shonen and you are one of these retards who act as if power ups make him less special or anything.
Show me where Netero is implied to be more talented than Gon or Ging. I'll wait.
>No faggot and they fought before Netero went to the mountains

>as hard as Netero
You are really pathetic Neterofag. It is said by extreme training. It's not like Netero is the blueprint of extreme training or anything. I could bet money that Beyond is currently stronger.

>Show me where Netero is implied to be more talented than Gon or Ging. I'll wait.
It's never been implied and it wasn't my case, read better retard. Netero isn't as talented as them, but he's the one who trained his hardest to become the strongest, things that neither Gon or Ging gives a fuck about.
No proof, and no proof they didn't, but it's implied Peak Netero was untouchable, and today Maha is a retired mummy who can't walk on his own

No but he could assassinate him

>It's not like Netero is the blueprint of extreme training or anything
Well yes he is because his training flashback was clearly an implication that he's honed his abilities to the epitome of human power, just like Meruem, the strongest entity in the manga, himself said. But some retard will say that he's some newborn as if it wasn't Togashi literally confirming through him that Netero is the strongest human
That goes to show the stupidity of shonenfags. Here's a clue smoothbrains, there was a flashback panel in which Netero said his strenght was useless in the Dark Continent. Togashi is done with the power creep since he's already maxxed it with Meruem and Netero, now new abilities introduced by those super talented nen users like Beyond or Ging or even Pariston will be very specific shit that will be useful in a non viable environment like the DC

Assuming ging is on par with razor