What kind of a shit cunt masturbates to his friends?

What kind of a shit cunt masturbates to his friends?

Attached: bisque doll.jpg (1920x1080, 100.26K)

>obvious bait thread

How's it bait? You have to draw a line somewhere and things like friends and siblings are not all right, since you're supposed to keep those relationships pure.

What did she think was going to happen when she sent that pic?

Now assuming that you are not baiting/trolling o being factitious I will argue in good faith here.
Coombrain is a plague user, some can't set these boundaries or lines you mentioned, for them there is only the pleasure, the next high akin to a drug addicted.
Now if it right or wrong that boils down to your particular set of morals and ethics, it's clear you don't agree with it but it's quite common, assuming that you are new to the medium of anime and manga (and light novels I guess)
You understand?

The regulars type

Did you not?
I didn't really like porn, my imagination was always better

>What kind of a shit masturbates to his friends
Idk why you implied Marin is a man but she just got horny okay. She wants to be more than friends.

>tfw high school was full fat assed girls
No wonder I've developed a taste for it

i fap to every female i see

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Is the MC in this show a CHAD or a pussy?

Women have this fantasy of winning over a guy through sex/beauty but that guy then being faithful and in love with them. In reality, if a girl puts out whoreish vibes to a guy, he's very likely to only see her as a coom outlet rather than a long term romantic interest.

i would fall in love with any presentable female who took the slightest interest in me

Are you by any chance a virgin, depressed, over the age of 30, or a combination of the above?

I don't know, I never had female friends and just fapped to the most attractive ones in my class

Have you somehow never in your life been or met a teenager?

2 of the 3

What kind of cockteasing skank exposes herself and rubs up on a dude within a couple days of meeting him and gets offended when he jerks off to it? It's not like she doesn't know what it does to him

better than most guys in romance shit
still too shy but he gets gradually better

probably true in Marin's case as well

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Draw a line? I will fap to anyone I have the slightest hint of horny, be it friends, family, animals, objects or even (YOU), you looking awfully moist there OP.

Also GTFO summerfag.

outer god based