Untranslated manga thread

What've you been reading lately dekirubros?
三丁目の夕日 has been comfy so far but I might pause it, it's so long that I might leave it for a future me who has more free time.
I just dropped 幻魔大戦 after finishing the first volume, afterwards I just skimmed the second volume since it was good but a bit too shallow to be worth reading all of the second volume in Japanese for me.

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Been reading 百木田家の古書暮らし and Dr Eggs from Grand Jump. I have also read the last three volumes of The Fable too

Ooh, wait, is that by the same person that did yesterday wo utatte?! Looks like her art is still great as ever.

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Yup it's the same

I'm reading hundreds of manga. No idea which of them got translated.

I am currently dekinai but I'm trying to learn and have been mainly reading shoujo manga for that. I most recently read a fantasy manga called Sora no Meikyuu. I want to read Gingitsune since it's been dropped by scanlators many times but right now I need the furigana.

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Care to list any instead of just resting on your laurels and leaving?

June 4th,
Today I discovered,
Sketchbook is kino

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I think it would be too long to list unless I just list the magazines.
Yesterday for instance I read Young Ace.

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you just follow entire magazines? i used to do that for jump but is it really that rewarding? You could be reading lots of more established manga (or exploring other mediums) in that time (not that that would be better per se, just that it seems more natural to me). What motivates you to go through entire magazines like this?

It makes me feel avant garde, just like watching ongoing anime instead of finished series.
I started with simply get the latest chapters of manga I read, then I started taking interest in new serializations as well as picking up other series from the mags. There's still a lot of series I only browse through because I'm not caught up with them. Occasionally I expand my repertoire with another magazine.
Reading magazines is a lot more practical than single chapters of web manga and helps me explore manga in a greater variety.
I focus on manga because they fit my level of Japanese better.

I can't help but feeling that the avant garde feeling will at some point be washed out by how amateur the average serialized work can be in many magazine. And I'd think reading a complete work in volume form would be far more practical than magazines. But of course your other points are valid, enjoy.

>And I'd think reading a complete work in volume form would be far more practical than magazines.
When you try to keep up with magazines you get things done, otherwise you just procrastinate.

It is

One day anons will translate the rest of it
There's an anime too

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Does that archive with the raws still exist?

I've been reading the latest volume of Misoshiru de Kanpai.

Where do you find untranslated manga now?

Primarily Bookwalker. Comic FUZ for Houbunsha series.

Does unlicensed series count but have been reading Kunochi Tsubaki in Japanese, it has been such blast. But,I don't read fan TLs since I know the language.

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For untranslated with zero TLs, I have been reading nekoguchi's latest work, it's hot and cute.

Mostly just read ongoing shit since finished shit decent enough for me to get past volume 1 is too hard to find. Anyway, some stuff that I like that which are really hurt by slow release schedule. 魔女と騎士は生きのこる, beautiful place, カノジョは今日もかたづかない. Pic unrelated.

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