One Piece

I love this lil nigga

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Good, both those threads were shit

A friendly reminder to Yamato haters that One Piece is not for you. If you hate her, you hate the manga and Oda as well. Either accept Yamato or leave and never come back.

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Kiku’s big fat sweaty cock and balls!

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Agreed. Drop Wan Piss, and read something better! Just in time for Hunter x Hunter's return too!

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Morj had admitted defeat.
Well raidfags are you still in denial?

I love Bao Huang

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"I WANT TO BE YAMATO" scene is coming.

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He said he still feels the raid will fail, but is only saying outwardly that he was wrong.

I just might stop reading it weekly and only check in for moments I've been waiting so long for, if she does join because I can't handle what a fucking retarded decision that is and how forced her inherited will is making her necessary to join, her obnoxious fans, generally making my interaction with the community not a happy one.
Worst is the stain on the cast, but they honestly don't interact much anymore, anyway.


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He literally says he will go with the raid has succeeded while going forward

He's obligated to say that by his account he miscalculated and gave fucking 1051 the limit to vocally admit defeat when it took longer for Sakazuki to ruin Ace's day.

>"She'll meet the Strawhats during the raid!"
>Actually she doesn't
>"She'll take down Kaido with Luffy!"
>Actually she just watches and spends Act 3 with Momo
>"She'll drop the Oden larp!"
>She doesn't because it's her only gag
>"Oda's just saving her interactions with the crew for a very big moment!"
>Actually it was a minor gag that lasted a single panel and got immediately dropped
>"None of that matters because Luffy will say she can join!"
>Even though they've barely ever talked

He literally says internally he feels it will fail

How many weeks until the raid fails? Two?

It's true, I rather be happy. It's just a shame something I can still enjoy be completely soured by things like that.

Maybe it’s because you’re easily mentally influenced. That’s your fault.

None, for me.

It's over sister

I agree, I am. I don't even know if what I'm saying right now will even still apply a week later, but overall, not in a good place right now.

>is son of One Piece's biggest gigachad and has a perfect copy of Kaido's dragon fruit
>Narrator: "He lacks physical strength"

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I would buy this set but Yamato’s neck is so off putting.

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>He lacks physical strength

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Reminder than Sanji and Queen have both knocked out a Yonko, while Zolo and Ling have not.