That anime adaptation rumor was 2 years ago now. Kino Punch bros

That anime adaptation rumor was 2 years ago now. Kino Punch bros....

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Other urls found in this thread:

Fujimotos worst work yet
Goodbye Eri > Chainsaw Man > Look Back > Fire Punch


it will never happen. No studio wants to render flames half if the shows runtime, and the show is way to brutal at some points so they can't market it as a kids show making enough money. Maybe it's for the better as Jap CGI looks horrible even to this day.

Don't worry, Chainsaw Man's anime will be just aa good

This but the opposite

What's your favorite moment bros? Mine was him walking away and then slowly realizing he can never really forgive the other fire guy and fucking kills him. So good.

to this day I still have no clue how this moment managed to bring me to tears

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Doma's daughter telling Agni that everybody wants him to be happy except himself.

It's because you're invested in the character(s), whether you're aware of it or not.

what's kino?

I'll make an live action adaptation myself, Mads Mikkelsen will be Doma.
Lurk more.

Ryan Gosling as Agni

A similar sequence where he is slowly walking and realises he wants to free the slaves of the city, as if he finally found a purpose he wants to follow.
I like these sequences where he reflects upon himself and you can clearly see it through the pages.

Good choice. OP as Togata jk.

Because you realized all of this time that every single character that died for Agni wanted him to be happy, not just live. Despite all of that, Agni kept on being dragged back into suffering by his past and inherent pain-induced psychosis.

I am still waiting for Pluto to come out too user.

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>Fujimotos worst work yet
>Only mentions the 3 newest works and fire punch
You fucking pretentious kid go back to bed. you fucking sorted it based on release date

Animation issues aside, Fire Punch could only really work as one of those grim 80s/90s style OVAs - it's an incredibly disturbing series.

Its over, Kino Punch bros....

That chapter was amazing

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