Gf been getting me into anime

>gf been getting me into anime
>went to barnes and noble with her the other day for some coffee and to check out the manga section/browse around
>sweet they have berserk in these thick as fuck volumes that look awesome
>$50 each and they're sealed so I can't even look at them
what the fuck

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Just pirate it retard

>promptly blogposts on Any Forums
kill yourself normalnigger

You will never belong here

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Any Forums is the most normalfag board.

there are entire websites dedicated to personal blogs but you chose to post this here instead

I just come here for the classic anime stuff, I feel no regret for killing lewd loli thread #975

Kys, phoneposter.


outing yourself as a newfag should be a bannable offense

Kill yourself, tourist.

Then why did m00t leave?

what's a hagshitter?

You have to be over 18 to post here.

liking expired hags

how do I get into the lewd loli fanservice type stuff?

a lot of shit in this thread but i dont see the issue. Its Any Forums related, its an ok story, and it brings up the topic of overpriced anime overseas. I find it much better to see something like this than the 50+ bait threads up everyday

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Kill yourselves, faggots.

>having a gf in 2022
theres your issue
next thing you tell me OP will actually want to have a kid in modern times LMAO

wait until it's finished before you try reading it


You will never be an oldfag.

gf had me watch this with her most recently, I actually thought it was pretty good

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dont buy manga / ln shit unless its a single volume and you want to read it because its unknown and interesting. pirate the rest afterwards