Highest risk of stomache cancer… big yikes from me

Highest risk of stomache cancer… big yikes from me.

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what does

>big yikes
Looks like you have cancer already.

Let me guess, your an anti-virus guy?


the steam from the rice cooks the egg

>stomach cancer

I always read this, the problem of stomach cancer (outside of japan) given by the yolk is because I read that, Japan has a great control on eggs, so big that the companies assure you "You can eat the yolk raw" while in countries like EU and USA is really risky to take one and maybe you'll get Salmonella because we have less control, I don't mean every egg can kill you, we jsut do the bare minimum to declare it "safe".

The virus from the eggs cooks the rice.

The pesticides in the rice kills the virus

i did this once and my grandparents straight up called me a fucking weeb without saying weeb
it didnt even taste good either

The chicken in the egg eats the rice

>Smoking, dietary factors such as pickled vegetables and obesity are other risk factors. About 10% of cases run in families, and between 1% and 3% of cases are due to genetic syndromes inherited from a person's parents such as hereditary diffuse gastric cancer.
Lying OP is a liar.

eggs are not for the weak

well i dont know what causes it but japan has the highest stomach cancer rate in the world
it's several times higher than in the west

though when it comes to salmonella the US has more cases per capita than japan
europe and japan are about the same
i guess it's because americans wash the eggs while europeans and japs dont

Smoking and also because they love long enough to die of cancer instead of getting a hearth attack for being a landwhale like in the west or shot down by criminals.

it's the stress from overwork

>but japan has the highest stomach cancer rate in the world
Probably from all the raw fish they eat

I don’t even know what this thread is even about, and op is a liar.

A lot of Japan weird statistics disappear or get less weird when you adjust it by age because Japan have way too many old people. Western countries like to spread misleading data about Japan to make themselves look better to their own population. >sure your life suck but did you know Japan is worse?
This works well because no country have a sizeable amount of Japanese people besides Japan, the country with the most racially Japanese people is Brazil and even that they are a tiny minority.

>Norwegian eggs are superior to european and Japanese eggs in taste and safety. nord skiiers literally eat raw egg yolks to bulk up.
>Costs 3x more
It's not fair

the stat i mentioned was age adjusted

the steam from the egg cooks the rice.

If anything, it's either arsenic in the rice, or the fact that pickled foods are everywhere in Japanese cuisine and their over-consumption might be linked to stomach cancer. Possible contributing factors might include a ton of drinking, and a general lack of fiber in their modern diet.

Actually it might just be the opposite, just about all Japanese soup uses katsuobushi which is basically burnt fish
Once it got banned from export into Europe because it had too much benzopyrene from all the soot

There is no excess arsenic in Japanese rice, that only happens in poor third world countries that rely overly much on groundwater. Their drinking and work habits are the most likely culprits, remember that a large percentage of Asians do not tolerate alcohol well at all (Asian flush).

>Stomach cancer by eating eggs

Why are yt people so weak?

>big yikes from me.

Attached: animesoy.jpg (448x448, 33.36K)

>Imagine your race being so fucking weak you die because of food

>raw eggs
Congrats on eating eggs the wrong way (literally).
Eggs have to be cooked in order for its protein to be properly "unravelled", that way its easier for the body to process and consume it.