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Why would she be racist?

2024 is my guess. spoilers for 76 has Marin thinking about the previous night and she wants to confess, we might be moving to a s2 ending point

>>Any Forums

never, she is already forgotten by the vast majority of people who watched her

Nice fanfiction, tranny.


What a damn shame. She could have been in a yuri or CGDCT

>no doujins
>already forgotten
what went wrong?

You probably don't know how to use internet.

Where's the pendulum hips WebM?

What's her name again?

>implying this series will get even a fraction of the attention when a S2 rolls around

i watch the scene where marin meets juju at gojo's house probably once a week because she's fucking hilarious in it

In five years minimum now that the mangaka can coast on the monetary opportunities provided by S1 and take as many hiatuses as she wants

Stop coping.

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what's gonna be the next big anime romcom hit (besides the inevitability of bokuyaba)

season 2 is a guaranteed flop and the mangaka knows this which is why the hiatus. no one wants the cross-dressing shit, she might save it with the leaked marin titties

I really wish she would put some clothes on.

how the fuck is kimetsu STILL selling as much as it is, are there really that many people that actually buy manga that still haven't bought it yet?

>Kimetsu already ended
>More people are buying the books than bisque, which is ongoing