Anime adaptation is cancelled

>anime adaptation is cancelled
>ending it's still better than the original material
Any other examples of this?

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I wouldn't say better but I like the end of the NHK anime. It's basically a "get a job and just do it"

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The author is a retard for complaining about Anno's direction. The show was great til he left.

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It's ending is absolutely no different than the manga or the book though. Hell they tell that arc already in the final chapters of the manga.

I still can't fucking believe what happened in Golden Boy manga. It's just so fucking weird.

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I remember people bitching about the Claymore ending, then I read it and it immediately jumped the shark with 'Actually the whole thing is a science experiment'. And also penis monsters.


I have to wonder if the author is fully aware that people much prefer the anime to the manga specifically because of how the original content was edited/made more comedic instead of wallowing in generic edgy romance drama.

What happened?

>Any Forums says anime ending is better
>anime doesn't even have an ending or it does but many of the plot points remain unaddressed because anime writers are garbage and have no desire to make a good series, just to sell merch and DVDs/blurays of their shitty adaptation

>the original material
stop pretending that you read kare kano

Main character started liking some weird fetished like being pissed and he also dressed and acted like a tranny for a very large number of episodes by the end.

I read the final numbers online and it's shit, retarded zoomer.

>Any Forums says anime ending is better
In Kare Kano case IT'S better.
Dumb schizo.

>ending it's still better than the original material
anime doesnt end though, from like episode 16 it just goes into minor character's backstories and then just stops out of nowhere.
doesnt the manga go on for ages and age until they're married and have kids?

>anime is cancelled
>anime doesnt end though
That's probably OP point, autismo.

That depend though. Women prefer the manga because it's dark and mature aka fulfill their rape fantasies

Anno never left

Fullmetal Alchemist

Akame ga Kill

its a wild ride is what it is