I fucking hate this little manlet self-insert faggot

I fucking hate this little manlet self-insert faggot.

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Believe me, compared to me, you don't.


He literally did nothing wrong.

Did you ever spend days inventing ways to eternally torture someone? Did the realization that you will never be able to make him suffer robed you from desire to live? If not, you don't really hate Ikari Shinji.

i'd like to insert myself into this little faggot, if you catch my drift

You hate yourself. You'll become a better human when you'll cope with that.

>have unresolved mommy issues and depression
>use this as an excuse to make an anime designed to needlessly punish audience
>it’s filled almost entirely worth insufferable cunt characters
he really was the A24 of his time

Yeah, I'd like to pummel Anno too.

Obviously, I hate myself for my inability to enact my revenge on him and his world for what they did to her. And this makes me hate them even more.

But is he worse than Hiro? Yes.

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Didn't he at some point run away to mope in his corner listening to Coldplay songs while humanity's fate was at stake?

He never asked you to watch his shit. Studio gave him carte blanche and he went and did what he wanted to, which apparently was working out his autism and ended up creating possibly the greatest entry in the medium. Seems pretty based to me.

Yes, because he felt like he was just being used for personal interest and that in the end it really didn't matter what he did anyway. Which turned out to be exactly correct.

Hiro is a god-king of loyalty and self-sacrifice compared to Shinji.

hiro was ok. after he gets his memories back he’s even pretty decent. further i think that his personality type was the only one that would work with someone like 02

they're good characters because they're deeply flawed.

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Acting like a coward and running away from responsibility based on some assumption is morally wrong. Whether that assumption turns out to be correct is irrelevant.

I'm not big on Eva, but I'd rather watch it again than Dawson in the Franxx.

rape material

What a good reason to forsake everyone you knew, especially girls that brought into your life some resemblance of joy.