Instead of this wish nonsense the ending should've been Tomoya remarrying one of the other heroines now that he's...

Instead of this wish nonsense the ending should've been Tomoya remarrying one of the other heroines now that he's finally accepted Nagisa's death.

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lame overhyped series

Tomoyo should've been the main heroine.

Her popularity was enough to get her an afterstory, but I never read it myself.
She's by far the best for Tomoya. He needs a giver and Nagisa is a taker by the nature of her condition.

and then dying of a heart attack

The afterstory wasn't great. Although I had fun letting myself cry at the ending.

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Not sure if it was for the best. He ended up with Tomoyo instead of Nagisa and Tomoyo After and then he ended up getting sick and died.

I'm mixed on it myself, personally.
On one hand, there was always some supernatural aspects to the story (even in the anime where they barely touched the lights) with Fuuko for instance.
On the other hand, finally having moved on from her death is narratively undermined entirely by the time reset.

Best girl forever

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Why anime instead of copying every isekai in existence copied this? an ova for a series with multiple heroines where they show what would happened if the mc picked another girl.
Why hasn't any anime tried to copy the whole "story continues after graduation, and after he gets a normal job".

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The wish was extremely important for the final message of the story. At the beginning, Tomoya hated the town he lived in (the great dango family) and as he collected lights by helping everyone (the wishes of each townspeople), he came to finally love the great dango family, when they retributed that help by reviving Nagisa.

ffs the whole story is about the concept of family, just look at the routes: Tomoyo - helping his sick brother, Ryou - love rivals with her sister, Mei - Big brother protecting his little sister, etc etc. It's logical that the end would be about the biggest family, that is, the town, and Tomoya finally accepting them.

There's a canon sidestory with Kyou about this you know.

The Tomoyo after was BLEAK as all hell. Youre way better off just with imagining them have happy life together instead of that misery porn.

Where Kyou marries widower Tomoya? what's it called?

It was part of an anniversary book. It's cute.

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Oh, this is post USHIO death
wtf I never expected that

>tomoya post ushio's death

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that was cute. ended abruptly but i liked it

Why is Fuuko dead?

Even now, just reading this with the OST fucks me up. Good but way too short.

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