Why would anyone watch Hunter X Hunter??

Its literally a show about little boys fighting, what kind of fuckin weirdo.. imagine being hyped for that weird shit

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I just want excuses to see little boys, like every reader of fujo jump

Exactly. Why would one watch an inferior adaptation if the source material is a masterpiece?

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Little boys and fags who want to fuck little boys.

Here we go again. People seething because Togashi has ended his hiatus. Why does HxH makes Any Forums so mad? It's not like your retarded series will improve if you shit on another one.

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>He started watching HxH without reading the classics

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Worth reading:
Kafka, Plato, Aristotle, Hobbes, Montesquieu, Locke, Paine, Kant (the GMS is basically written for laymen though, read the three critiques instead if you're serious about it), Rousseau, Hegel, Rawls

Not worth reading:
Thuydides - Roman propaganda
Cicero - just a carricature of political philosphy as it was common in Rome
St. Augustine - clerical bullshit
St. Aquinas - misinterpretation of Aristotle
Arendt - Only famous for getting fucked by Heidegger (literally), as opposed to getting fucked by Heidegger (figuratively): That was Rudolf Carnap.

Machiavelli - A bit of a meme, but with some worthwhile ideas
Smith - If you're interested in economical philosophy, sure, go ahead. Otherwise worthless.
Mill - Utilitarianism is reductionist bullshit, but you should know about it anyway.
Marx - Influential, but it completely lacks an anthropological approach and can never work. Also, barely anyone who claims he's read Marx has actually read all of Das Kapital. It's only ever excerpts.
Foucault - Well, it's Foucault. Just pick and choose like everyone does for his stuff.

No idea:
Madison/Hamilton/Jay - Haven't read this shit and never will. American politics are inherently bullshit.
De Tocqueville

>Thuydides - Roman propaganda
Sorry, I was mentally moving along to Cicero already.

Because it won't stop you from mindlessly obsessing over this series that you proclaim to hate on a daily.

Nothing about Nietzsche? I know i'm a bit late, but I'm currently eating my way through his canon, starting off with thus spoke zarathustra.

to pretend that you're a 2deep4you intellectual while discussing a shonen, that's the joke
hxh is a joke

Generally im for newer seasons of shows but this one in particular I'm against, it ended a long long time ago, so idk why do people care so much for it returning wtf are they gonna add?? a time skip??? doesn't seem like it

It never ended because the author has no idea how to end a series so he sort of just walked away.

keep telling yourself that

>NaGaReOcHiRu NaMiDa

I'm not saying that it's a bad thing.
HxH is 10/10 shitposting material.

Well, Nietzsche ins't on the chart, so I didn't comment on it.
His work is worth reading for the entertainment factor alone. Not fully internally consistent, though you can get some worthwhile ideas out of all of it.
There's also the problem that lots of what the public thinks about Nietzsche harkens back to the misrepresentations and edits that his sister and his brother in law (both staunch national socialists) published after his death.
There are a few other things missing from the list, by the way, that I'd consider required reading. Most importantly, Descartes, Hume, Heidegger, maybe Sartre. Granted, you cannot list everything, and the chart does have a bias towards political philosophy overall.
It's a bit strange that Kafka's the only belletristic entry on there among academic textbooks. There's quite a few other things in world literature that could be named in terms of their importance to the field.

I mean didn't he play it off as it ending?? and he even doubled down and said something along the lines of, "there's no reason to continue it cause it made me a millionaire and I felt like the story was complete"

This is literally the plot of HxH

Did you feel like having read these works enhanced your enjoyment of HxH, like perhaps gave you a deeper understand of its themes, subtext and underlying narratives?
