80s romcom thread

Is there anything more comfy?

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probably fresh cookies when it's snowing outside

Just make a regular pre-2k thread. 80s romcom is too too too niche to get a discussion going.

The last thread was fine until the jannies purged it for no reason

How does that one stack up to MI?

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Add a cozy fire in low lighting and I'm sold.

>Is there anything more comfy?
70s romcom, duh.

Could someone PLEASE license the Ikkoku blurays?
I'm doing my part by buying the rereleased mangas.

>tfw natural born shaman
>first GF in 90's
>Avoid mentioning anything about it to not come across as weird plus christian parents would think I am Satan.
>watch KOR
>One of the episodes unironically mirrored something that happened to me
>top kek

KOR actually comes extremely close to a realistic depiction of life having some form of supernatural ability to the point where I wonder if the author also "knows". In reality, there is no villain and you're just trying to fit in.

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Pretty well. I always thought of KOR as kinda a halfway mix of UY and MI, where it has some of the comedy, high school setting and fantastical elements of the former, but with the dramatic writing and character development of the latter.
Got any examples?

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learning to roller skate is tough. i can go decently fast in a roller rink, but i still have to grab on to the walls sometimes.

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No and I need more

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Shit the OVAs are fucking 90s god damn it

sorry guys


This is always going to be somewhat niche becides the rumic stuff, isn't it?

If these romcoms were made today people would say "nothing happens, no progress, only filler, shit anime/manga"

It's a shame, though, since these fillers are what really made you invested in the character in the first place. I wonder when this shift in public opionion came and with which show?

I think a lot of it is down to how modern anime is generally much shorter, so every episode feels more consequential and as a result a filler episode stands out much more. Personally I think filler, when done well improves a series, especially in a romcom when, like real life, not every day has something consequential happen.

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Just a reminder that Kozue is very cute.

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