ITT: post ideas for a spy x family christmas special

ITT: post ideas for a spy x family christmas special

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with spies.

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Just imagine 120 minutes of christmas kino with Anya Forger

good idea.

You just know

In the Xmas special for Spy x Family, it is revealed that Twilight was a double spy, and his spy expertise is so great, he even tricked the reader of the series.

The final chapter ends up with Desmond ordering Loid to kill Anya, which he attempts to do but is stopped by Yor, who fights with him to the death.

Ultimately, Loid prevails and both Yor and Anya are killed by him following his mission like a professional spy without emotion to the end.

The final panel shows Loid happy with a new family, with the last panel a mission brief, indicating that this too is a mission, and Loid's spy escapades continue.

>nth spy x family thread on the catalog
>tumblr filename
no surprises here

Yor's cookies...

Hang up your hat and lay down to rest, old veteran, no one cares about Tumblr anymore, not since the porn purge at least.

>(radio silence)

its a wonderful life parody
loid is mortally wounded and dreams how anya and yor's life would have turned out had he not adopted/married them

Even better: Wings of Desire parody.

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This is unironically kino wtf

Loid has to go undercover as a prostitute and seduce several older men to get information.

Very interesting, please continue. Where's Santa in all of this?

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So, does this shit even have a plot or will it keep going back and forth with this episodic formula until the final episode?


Taking Anya's wishes way too seriously, Twilight takes the family to the North Pole, where they discover a secret enemy facility run by a bearded overseer. Action, adventure, and a little bit of romance ensues. (Anya sees mommy killing Santa Claus.)

Would be certified kino.

my mom buys me an xbox the end

mistletoe shenanigans leading so Anya getting her christmas present 9 months later