Whats your favorite edgy incel kino?

Whats your favorite edgy incel kino?

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>Main public is women
Go back faggot

Kill yourself, redditor.

Is this any good?

ninja scroll
the original movie

i'm not 12 anymore so i don't watch powerfantasyshit or isekringe.

No lol

Edgy things are shit.

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probably rance but im not sure if he would be edgy or incel since he is just a rapey chad (average chad)

For me, it's 2016 United States presidential election.

now this was truly fucked up, ruining an entire imageboard for eternity

what happen in this manga?
isn't this from the mangaka that one that made elfen lied? elfen lied was good (the mang)

The finest shitposting...

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>Any Forums still seething because redo of healer chads won

Not redo of shit, that flopped and will never get another season

When is Sentai dubbing it?

>Not redo of shit, that flopped and will never get another season
just like AgK

Don't parrot words you don't understand.

sure incel

Ok rabbi

Ok rabbit

I concede defeat.

i confess your retardation


>Whats your favorite edgy incel kino?

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