Dragon Ball Super

Who will replace Jiren as the flagship villain of the franchise when the anime returns? Moro? Or someone else?

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SHITren is weaker than 17 and Saganbo

Who the FUCK is that? Some irrelevant bitch from the fanfic?

It will be Android 13 but with Buu cells.

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Someone stronger than SHITren. One of many btw.

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Source on the art? Looks kind of amateurish but has potential.

Who cares?

I care.

Who cares?

>replacing Jiren

Get out.

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The new movie replaced him with Gohan being the strongest.


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Jiren won

Jiren won.

Toyo's official masterpiece, cancelled bitch.

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SHITren lost.


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Aqua lost

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Post more, btw.

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She literally won.

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Super is not canon

You're not canon.

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You're canon

Won what?

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Reminder that hard work, training, fighting genius, and anything else were all irrelevant. Every single one of Goku's wins has been canonically reattributed to a super powerful two-ball dragon granting him prosperity. Evidently he even took all the success that Raditz was meant to have. If he was still alive Goku would be only half as powerful as he is right now.