Do you think this graph is accurate, Any Forums? Why do think something like this occurs?

Do you think this graph is accurate, Any Forums? Why do think something like this occurs?

Attached: 1644463144637.png (3900x1700, 2.32M)

I don't understand the X axis

What is this even trying to say? The axes refer to people, but the chart has shows on it.

Symphogear is for people who hate yuri and have mid yuri goggles?

I don't get it

Who's "they"?

The graph is nonsensical

the average watamote fan HATES yuri, and what the series turned into (yuribait)

>Do you think this graph is accurate, Any Forums?
No. Maid Dragon is one of my favorite anime and I love yuri.

The x-axis represents how much someone likes/dislikes yuri (100 being a lot, -100 being hating it)
The y-axis represents how strong that person's yuri goggles are (with the shows being used as a reference point for goggle strength and are unrelated to the x-axis)

The graph isn't describing who it's for. It's pointing out that someone who kind of likes yuri (between 30 and 80) and someone who dislikes yuri (between -30 and -80) will see Symphogear as yuri. On the other hand, people who have no strong feelings about yuri, those who really like yuri, and those who hate it will every fiber of their being won't see it as yuri.

Seeing most female interactions as yuribait is a form of yuri goggles, even if you hate yuribait.

But how much do you love yuri out of 100? There are some hardline yurifags out there that don't think it's yuri for several reasons.

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>the things on the graph are unrelated to the x-axis
That's not how a graph works.

I'm going to go out on a limb and assume that despite the position of the wording of the axis label, that the negative side is hate and the positive side is like. Doesn't seem like OP made the chart given the filename so who knows if we'll get a proper clarification.

The anime on the chart, yeah I'm gonna have to make another assumption and say that it is what the person at each point on the graph likes the most? Likeliest assumption imo but could still be wrong.

>someone who dislikes yuri (between -30 and -80) will see Symphogear as yuri
What on earth. What part of the chart is supposed to signify that?

>seeing most
its kind of clear cut

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>(with the shows being used as a reference point for goggle strength and are unrelated to the x-axis)
>It's pointing out that someone who kind of likes yuri (between 30 and 80) and someone who dislikes yuri (between -30 and -80) will see Symphogear as yuri.
im confused now
So which is it? Are the shows positon relative to the X axis or not? If not, then it would make more sense to just put them on the 0 line of the Y axis.

>On the other hand, people who have no strong feelings about yuri, those who really like yuri, and those who hate it will every fiber of their being won't see it as yuri.
there is no way to glean that from the chart.

I intended for them to be like a label to describe what low, med, and high-level yuri goggles look like but obvious fucked up. You can switch their positions around the it would stay the same.

Attached: 1649729906934.png (3900x1700, 2.32M)

I see.
The shows aren't supposed to be "on the line," or "connected by the line," they're supposed to be the area under the curve.

And for some reason there's multiple examples of the same thing on different sides of the Y axis.

Then it'd be better if you got rid of half of the examples (or made them smaller to fit), and just put them on the 0 line of the y axis. Otherwise it looks like it is related to the X axis, when it has nothing to do with it.

Does a single faggot on this board know how to use a graph?

Alright, here's my shitty second attempt.

Attached: 1643287848928.png (4000x1700, 1.7M)

First one was fine don't worry.
captcha: 0GAYR

Can you really like Executioner while hating yuri?

Refer to for a clearer understanding.

Frankly, the chart needs to go into the negative X axis for the antiyuri goggled audience.
The kind of people who'd watch Machikado and say they're straight, you know the type.

you are literally, LITERALLY retarded.
go back to school.

Couldn't they fit into their one of the green parts?

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