What was the last modern classic

What was the last modern classic

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madoka, anons who say kill la kill are newfaggots

space dandy

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starting to think "classics" is something popular and not necessarily "the best" a certain medium has to offer. that being said:
Mushoku tensei maybe.


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Who decides which shows are considered as "classics"? Is it a general consensus? Does it not differ from each individual?

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wonder egg priority

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Boku no Pico

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Ping Pong maybe.

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Definitely not Reddit;Gate.

unironically A Place Further Than the Universe

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What exactly makes Flip Flappers a modern classic?


Yeah this part is confusing. Where is the cut-off which makes something modern. Monogatari is modern but it's also 13 years old

ousama ranking, op

Kemono Friends.

klk was the last fun times in this board

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Kunoichi Tsubaki.



FliFla and WEP tried, but didn't quite make it.

Came here to say madoka too
Although the definitions of both "modern" and "classic" are so vague that anything goes really.

Made in Abyss

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Mirai Nikki