Princess mononoke starts a war against humans because she doesn't like a couple trees getting cut down

>princess mononoke starts a war against humans because she doesn't like a couple trees getting cut down
>lady eboshi just wants her tribe to prosper and live decently
Who's the real villain of this movie again?

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humans are le bad

>Who's the real villain of this movie again?
You. For thinking in such inflexible, binary terms.

>just wants her tribe to prosper and live decently
The standard justification for colonialism and exploitation


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>in the end ashitaka goes to live in iron town to continue eboshi's plans and tells san he'll "visit" her in the forest sometime
Congrats you understood the movie.

dumb troll.

How is it dumb? Did you even watch the movie?

>Im gonna make a pointless Waco in the middle of the forest for my own benefit
>Its okay because I take care of women and lepers
Irontown is retarded and wrong

A true lady eboshi would see the obvious morals/greater-love once seeing the whole film, ISRAELI!

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When will San pin Ashitaka down and fuck him?

Nobody, that's the point.

Um, don't you need a dick in order to do the fucking? Otherwise you're just getting fucked?

why was there so much gore in such a seemingly innocent movie?

The Industrial Revolution and its consequences have been a disaster for the human race. They have greatly increased the life-expectancy of those who live in “advanced” towns, but they have destabilized societal hierarchy, have made life unfulfilling, have subjected human beings to indignities, have led to widespread psychological suffering (in the Great War to physical suffering as well) and have inflicted severe damage on the natural world.

>princess mononoke
That's not her name

humans are the real villains, and all miyazaki did was introduce the problem without solving it, he's a hack

You never heard of Amazon position dude? Tell me that's not a dude getting fucked.

Japan just wants to go back to before Perry landed and stay there.

where did you get the idea that its seemingly innocent?

Shimoda sure as hell doesn't think so, dude.

The real villain was the emperor that was seeking immortality. I don't know how you could miss that.

characters look incredibly soft for a gory anime