What is the BEST anime episode of all time?

What is the BEST anime episode of all time?

Attached: Lelouch.jpg (1453x828, 427.79K)

Other urls found in this thread:


That one episode where Suzaku said
And he just laid waste to Charles' entire battalion.

shit its summertime

Wrong- It's Morbin' Time.

magma diver

The Porygon episode of Pocket Monsters. No other episode changed anime like it did.

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That episode of Yugioh where Kaiba kills God in a card game.

The one where Shinji nuts on his hand.

Attached: PEAKINO.png (500x279, 169.76K)

there are no peas in this picture.

Not bad user, not bad at all

Attached: mpv-shot0041.jpg (1920x1080, 363.46K)

Archer vs Shirou in UBW.

Came here to post this


Attached: supa.jpg (1920x1080, 285.08K)

clearly not this shit written reddit show

Poasting some of my favourites:
Madoka episode 10
Evangelion episode 23
Gunbuster final episode
Haruhi Suzumiya - Someday in the rain
Bakemonogatari episode 12

The first episode of Pokemon.

>everything is reddit
stop being a faggot, faggot.

Attached: Joey dies.webm (710x480, 2.76M)


you need to go back