Side characters that're interesting thant the main cast

>side characters that're interesting thant the main cast

Attached: koto_roll_lasso.webm (1280x960, 2.97M)

English mf. Do you speak it?


It's a one-letter typo. Cunts, the lot of you.

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No one in yu yu is interesting


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welcome to 4channel
where every non-American are an ESL

A one-letter typo, an entirely missed word and a fake contraction. Granted, it's like those typoglycemia things where obviously everyone can read it but you should be ashamed for posting it.


What does she stand on when she pulls Juri? She needs a good foothold to pull someone about her weight.
Also couldn't she climb faster or pull Juri without climbing at all? Is this all just an animator's flex?
Good animation, love it nonetheless.

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Koto was definitely the best character in the show. They should've ditched Kurama early on and replaced him with Koto full time.

would she be able to pass thru the kakai barrier? or is she too strong?

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I beat my meat to her while watching yyh

NOBODY can beat a Koto at 110% power



Why did he have such big armpits at 100% power anyway

Should call it "American second language". English people don't speak American amongst themselves

this wasn't close to a 1 letter typo you illiterate retard

>that're interesting thant

to expell the excess toxins

>Final form is turning into a mushroom

I like original Toguro only.

>side characters being more interesting/entertaining than the protagonist
Applies to 95% of stories in every medium. I think this is because you simply see less of them, so all their good lines, big fights, dramatic scenes etc. have more impact rather than the MC who the audience eventually becomes TOO familiar with.

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please, hold your applause for later

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