I am a editor of Yoshihiro Togashi. I have interesting message...

I am a editor of Yoshihiro Togashi. I have interesting message. in hunter hunter will be a character named nail (or neiru, ネイル) and he will kill important character. I can not provide any more information. but I will try to answer your questions as much as I can. feel free to discuss and predict what will happen in future chapters

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Hisoka WON btw.


Please give more screentime and ecchi scenes to Shizuka
And make her yuri please

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hisoka died

Who will be the next strawhat crew member?

I will ask Togashi but he might refuse

Please ask Togashi to have sex with my mother

Why can't we have ONE hxh thread without mentioning One Piece? What's up with this obsession

not yamato

>Who will be the next strawhat crew member?
Quwrof Wrlccywrlir

no, she is too ugly for him

Leorio dies off screen due to an illness.

Kill yourself huntard

When are Leorio, Killua, and Gon appearing again?

leorio will die but not soon

Is Nail one of Morena's people?


leorio will appear soon, he is on the boat after all. he will be relevant. I can't tell you about gon and killua.

It's Kurapika's manga now. Just accept it. Female protagonists in shounen manga rule!

I am also editor of Togashi, he will be taking a short break soon

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Short as in 2 weeks or 2 years?

holy trips of truth, fuck you

Has Kurapika had sex before, and if he did with which gender?

no. but he appeared before

he had sex during yorkshin arc, with old men for the eyes

