I miss the chill, SOL-ish side of one piece

i miss the chill, SOL-ish side of one piece

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we all do

Edgefags seething. TOONchads we keep on winning!

Only in fillers and movies

the only fun part of one piece was them chilling on the boat, when shit actually happened is when it turned boring

>liking SOL
Kill yourself, Jeremy

Why is there a tranny flag in the background?

You didn’t like the Sanji Rescue Squad starving to death on their way to Whole Cake Island?


>the only fun part of one piece was them chilling on the boat
go watch slice of life anime then moeshitter

Prepare your anus for Wanpiss posters defending Wano.

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Some of the most memorable moments in all of one piece are loguetown, reverse mountain, jaya, enies lobby and marineford. Which have comparatively little chapters in the grand scheme of things. + the little post arc world lore chapters.

Everything else is filler.

Pic related.
Pic your favourite arc and compare to wano in runtime.

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literally never a thing


I miss soul piece.

I think just under 30 is perfect. Fishman Island wouldn't have the bad reputation it does if it were that length. I also had no idea Skypiea was so long and it definitely felt shorter than that.

i miss his fine line art now all he does is chicken scratch

>Impel Down
Wano is more than 5 times as long.

And I miss the adventure and sense of wonder. Remember huge ship falling from the sky? Luffy ringing the bell showing everyone the sky island exists? Some guy standing on surface of the sea like it's nothing? Yonko being these powerful shadowy figures that were so much ahead of Luffy and crew? Now it's just boring fights and the cool adventure moments are gone.

That's because everyone had something to do in Skypiea. What's frustrating is when we have 30 or 40+ ch. arcs where half the MAIN crew are pissanting around when they're what we're reading the manga to see.

I miss tan robin

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