Cowboy bebob creator dies

>cowboy bebob creator dies
>no sticky
>mods delete all threads asking about a sticky for it
>hxh updates
Unironically going to reddit now, Any Forums has completely devolved into a shitpile and will never ever recover. At least reddit actually has discussion with only half the braindead fucktards this place has. Fuck this entire board and ever hotpocket deepthroating janniger who inhabits it and DOES THEIR WORK FOR FREE.

Attached: fuck.png (300x300, 112.34K)

Other urls found in this thread: Nobumoto is the writer,a battle with esophageal cancer.

Boo fucking hoo.

>cowboy bebob creator dies

>search Shinichiro Watanabe death
>just the screenplay writer
Yeah, nobody cares enough for a containment sticky.

Made me look it up, congrats

Any Forums leaking again


Keiko Nobumoto died last year, user.

A 13th HxH thread died for this

If Shinichiro Watanabe died we would get a sticky, retard.

While I agree that we should ban HxH from this board you're still retarded

>steve jobs dies
>no sticky

Attached: 1643084001300.gif (276x276, 93.69K)

he lterally did Nobumoto is the writer,a battle with esophageal cancer.

>he lterally did
Why was "he" named Keiko and looked like a woman?

Can you into time?

Being the undisputed kings of Any Forums has its benefits.

Cry more

>Unironically going to reddit now
Tips for going to r/reddit, you'll thank me later. Reddit is generally a libtard containment place, and if you don't want to be downvoted to oblivion (or even banned), you'll be better off trying not to provoke the woke libtardian community. So don't write anything that'll piss those SJWs off, like trannies, faggot, retard, soi boy, carpetmuncher, MAGA, anything that'll piss those little buggers off. If you write anything, and I really mean anything provocative, they'll call in a bot swarm and downvote your posts to oblivion. I'm not kidding.
Never check out the popular/home page, it's just a libtardian masturbatory fest. Half of the page is just hate on republicans, Ukrainian support posts, libtardian propaganda (like all the fucking abortion posts holy fucking shit, you'd think it was the most important thing in the world), and otherwise just shitty stuff like the same reposted joke over and over for karma, and some askreddit posts.
If you follow these rules, you'll most likely survive on reddit. But I recommend making several accounts, one for shitposting, and others for more serious posting. Don't use one account for everything. And don't answer messages and chat requests, they'll try to get you into something scummy.

Reddit is where modern Any Forums comes from, user. It's not for "libtards", it's for echochambers of all kinds. Some of them the most radical rightwing cesspools.

>no you see, this extremely left-leaning space that is heavily moderated is actually Any Forums!
Fuck off.

Again, it's literally not "left-leaning". Reddit tourists are what made Any Forums and Any Forums into what they are today. You should know that if you've been here for more than five years.
The whole point of that place is that its different "communities" all have their own "subculture" and in-group bias.

Or just don't be a faggot and ignore the vote system.