Season 2 never

Season 2 never

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It doesn't need another season.

it's shit anyway and hxh is back and where is the fucking sticky

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What would that even consist of? The story already ended twice. Did you even watch the show with your eyes open?

It was shit and your fapbait seasonal "waifu" is dead.

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franx is so shit
and 02 is fucking ugly

The thought of her and Kanye fucking on the couch while this shit is on in the background is hilarious.

It's been a while since the last board breaking trigger show.

Time for Cyberprank to shake this website

I can see it

>franx is so shit
>and 02 is fucking ugly
Ichigo was cute though.

The lesbian was the best character btw


I miss To love Ru

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She was the ugliest character by far. Add to that that she was an autist and completely useless until they turned her into an old hag and she's worse than the whole Kokoro x Mitsuru x Futotshi triplet of wasted screentime.


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Yes. Strawberry turned her down for a reason.

The absolute best thing about Franxx was the shitposting and the theorycrafting
and then the anime just shat all over its own potentialy

Yurifags need to be hanged

Shut up breeder


Good, now stay dead.

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what if franxx was L.O.S.T. Not that it was. It clearly wasn't. But you just suppose and then go riddle hunting. Yeah. I know..

My hot opinion: They should have taken the stuff up to episode 15, enriches it with some more worldbuilding and background and made it a season 1, then done the same for a season 2 based on the whole Virm/Klaxxoqueen stuff. End it with Virm leaving earth and then make a kind of EoF if they insist on space battles and planetary suicide bombing.

I enjoyed myself with this despite the shitty end, no need for any more
It's visuals are really underrated imo, there's precious few mecha shows that are nice to look at now and it was one