What is the closest the medium has come to producing a "objectively good" anime?

What is the closest the medium has come to producing a "objectively good" anime?

Attached: cowboy_bebop_header-1280.jpg (1200x720, 445.11K)

That phrase is nonsensical because "good" is inherently subjective.


If it sold an absolute shitton it was good

One Piece
Dragonball Z

You all hate them, but they sold a shitton, people still love to talk about it, and they have all become iconic in their own ways

Suck it Shonen haters

It's a discussion prompt, not a rec thread

Spirited away recieved international recognition so it’s objectively good.

World Masterpiece Theater

Go back

Mobile Suit Gundam

City Hunter

>objectively good
No such thing. That so many of you think like this means you shouldn't worry about it.

Sewayaki Kitsune

You don't sound smart denying objective good and bad.

Ghost in the shell : The Laughing man arc is one of the best in crime/thriller shows anime has ever produced

>objectively good
stop this meme

It's a discussion not a request, learn comprehension


Rather than sound, you are retarded

Here's how the art world works. Call something shit and then steal the idea.

>There is no objectivity
Stop this brainlet meme.

How a piece of Art is judged is based on the perspective of the viewer :^)