Did evangelion help you improve your life? It made me live life on the internet less

Did evangelion help you improve your life? It made me live life on the internet less

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The Rebuilds are complete and utter dogshit.

after the last one came out i decided i was going to have a neon genesis so i left my home with nothing but a hiking backpack stocked with bare minimum survival supplies. i was enjoying life in nature for a couple weeks but then i accidentally set up camp at a spot that i did not realize was a gay cruising ground and got sexually assaulted by a 58 year old cruiser. a cop pulled up and i begged him to drive me into town because i was afraid for my life but he told me he wasn't running a cab service and i needed to be gone by morning or he was gonna arrest me. so i called my mom crying at 3 am to come get me at some random place hours away. i really haven't been the same since
this isn't a shitpost btw this all actually happened

it made me get better at articulating myself and paying attention to filmmaking
but that destroyed my life

not really i didn't care about the message or pay attention to the story i just wanted to see more asuka

If you're so feeble-minded to get influenced by TV, you deserved to be influenced in the first place. At least Anno convinced you you were depressed before Disney convinced you you wanted to fuck a rat.

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It was my gateway to anime and arguably made my life worse.

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Final ending convinced me to try to get me out of the slump I've been in this past year. Of course, it was kinda the last movie coming out that led to this emotional slump in the first place....

But hey, if Shinji's able to move on and have a nice life with the rest of his loved ones, it's more than worth giving a shot.

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>if Shinji's able to move on and have a nice life with the rest of his loved ones, it's more than worth giving a shot.
that's powerfully sad

How is that sad. It's obviously not the only reason, it's just a nice bump in motivation.

No. I love evangelion but the anime that really motivated me to get my shit together was gurren lagann.

Yes, the original series and movie unironically made me understand myself better than my psychologist

Absolutely true

The tv series and movies I watched when I was about 13 or so, back in 1998 I think.

It didn't do me any favors.

It made me realize that the girl that bullies me might actually have feelings for me. Turned out it wasn't true but she called me an idiot and stopped bullying me.

Welcome to NHK was the most influential anime for me and I never rewatched it or read any of its source material since. The truth is I'm a borderline hopeless NEET, but I gave a normalfag life a few shots afterwards. In the end, I learned to be okay with who and how I am. Society a shit, Jerry!

it was part of why I gave up on popular anime

It's fiction. Shinji isn't real.


I could have lost interest a decade ago if I wasn't waiting to finish Rebuild.

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no. eva is terrible self-help.

it had no impact on my life whatsoever i just liked the show

The message is real