Someone told me the characters in taradora are as realistic and three dimensional as the characters in eva, is it true...

Someone told me the characters in taradora are as realistic and three dimensional as the characters in eva, is it true? I watched three episodes of taradora and thought it was trash, not sure if i should try it again if what they said was true

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>the characters in toradora are as realistic and three dimensional
>as realistic and three dimensional as the characters in eva
maybe they have a point

You watch Oregairu for three dimensonal characters, not Toradora

Luv me tiger

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Somehow even less three dimensional than toradora

I wouldn't hate shit like this if they were properly tagged as harems so they wouldn't have piqued my interest in the first place.


Toradora is a harem
Oregairu is a basic love triangle

Hachiman has more than 2 love interests doesn't he? There are even the trap and imouto characters.

>In toradora having the three main female character falling in love with mc is a fucking mess escalating in a literal catfight and self-sabotage
>In oregairu yui never had a fucking chance to begin with and just allowed herself to live in the delusion to have a chance just to stretch the situation a little bit more in fear of change
Absolute braindead bait

No, he only has two real love interests. The rest were never even close to options. There's one other girl that spends time with him but she's blatantly after another guy and just wants attention.

To be fair iroha is romantically interested in 8man but just passive aggressively chase him probing the territory but 8man doesn't give a single fuck

She just wants a backup option in case her plans on Hayama fail.

High schoolers in no way shape or form make monologues in every single action they do.

>Japanese teens
>Not being autistic
Have you forgotten the original demographic the shows refers to?

>having the three main female character falling in love with mc is a fucking mess escalating in a literal catfight and self-sabotage
Still a harem
>yui never had a fucking chance to begin with and just allowed herself to live in the delusion to have a chance just to stretch the situation a little bit more in fear of change
Still a harem
>he only has two real love interests. The rest were never even close to options
Still members of his harem

but the characters on eva are the most realistic on the entire anime industry, what are you talking about

>Have you forgotten the original demographic the shows refers to?
Yes, and they don't play 5-dimensional chest when talking to the opposite gender.

>Mc doesn't get an harem
>Still counts as harem
The best you can say is that both shows have the base recipe for a potential harem but that's about it

>Overthinking stuff
>5d chess
Congratulations on outing yourself as a literal brainlet without internal monologue

>Mc doesn't get an harem
But he does

I did
I don't understand, do you people an internal monologue after you become 20 or something?

>responding to my bait with bait of your own
Bold move

>Toradora: minori e ami back off and ryuuji chose taiga
No harem end here

>Oregairu: 8man rejects yui, ignore iroha and chose yukino
No harem end here

Saying "Shit, did I grip hard enough in my hand shake". is not a monologue unless you can think 5 times faster than normal in which get your Harem user.

>needs a harem end for it to be considered a harem

>High schoolers in no way shape or form make monologues in every single action they do.
Not the dumb ones sure.

I did since middle school must suck to be an innervoiceless fag

If Hachiman is just overthinking things, his plans wouldn't work the way they work.

I think about every handshake, but that's besides the point. Oregairu is written from a first person naration, so of course every scene is described by the protagonist.

>so of course every scene is described by the protagonist.
But you're telling me Hachiman stating in no less than 300 words why he needs to help Iroha in her studies during a congress with another student on the spot is usual?

>Only one person at time is allowed to fall in love to another otherwise is harem!
You sound like this. To ba an actual harem the female characters should at least show some kind of comaraderie in chasing their shared love interest or the male mc should at least reciprocate romantic feelings in some dimension for most of the female cast chasing him. In toradora ryuuji feelings gradually shift from minori to taigaand in oregairu 8man had feelings only for yukino so i rest my case, no harem