Why does nostalgia sells so much?

Why does nostalgia sells so much?

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Creative bankruptcy.

In times of economic uncertainty investors look for safe returns. In the world of media production, this means adapting stories that have already proven themselves to be popular and successful.

God I'm so sick of nostalgia faggotry.

Because things are fucking shit now and most people don't have much hope for the future so people tend to reflect on things that happen in their childhood as better than they may have actually been.

Unfortunately, the people who "create" things nowadays don't understand why things in the past had larger appeal, and they know their stuff is shit, so they just slap on stuff from the past and do their own thing with the hopes that it will sell itself. It often does, but it almost never is satisfying in any way.

It's comforting and allows consumers to indulge in things they like in a new way
Really hoping Slam Dunk gets a 2-in-1 edition

You forgot to add the Ginga eiyuu Dentsetsu remake.

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Is it any good? Are they going to adapt all the novels?

>sells so much
Post anime sell numbers from each of those returns.

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Sequels to popular properties are very rarely flops

I hope they adapt the whole Gantz manga in the Gantz 0 CG. Would be Kino.

>Slam Dunk?
That shit is getting a reboot? Impossible that just ended?

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Viewership, ratings and merch sales are more important. And off course the boost in the volume sales.

Two revenue streams:
1) oldfags who want a reminder of better days
2) newfags for whom reboots are new anyway

never mind, im going senile.

They're flopping hard like Yashahime

Majority of the oldfags are now into their adulthood and can finally afford to buy expensive crap that they could have only dreamed of as a kid.

Most of what you posted never even got their proper endings so people have never stopped wanting them.
Also most new things are shit and times are shit so people want the old things they remember liking

Yashahime was filler shit and had no relation to the actual manga unlike the series in the OP.

Yashahime is canon, popular and well liked. Seethe all you want.


I need a zatch bell remake man...

>See this and think of Walking With Monsters in a thread about nostalgia
It’s like pottery, they rhyme.