Puputsu Shitsen deserves to be flushed

> "Oh no I caused some deaths"
> Draw him with edgy face
> the fanbase cums a volcanic eruption
> "I admit it... I'm guilty for killing people"
> Draw him with le super deep face
> the fanbase cums so hard it hits the moon
This is embarrassingly bad. I swear even U19 had better writing than this garbage. Who even reads this shit?

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>GODjo CHADtoru

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>Who even reads this shit

Apparently a lot of people as volume top sales charts unlike blacked lover

Most popular manga in Japan right now

Western mystery meat trannys can only seethe

But user, popularity doesn't equal good.

Unless something manages to outsell JJK then that good :DDD

uh oh... got big black clover on the mind again?

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well, marvel as a franchise outsold it so i'm glad we agree marvel >>>>>>> shit >>> JJK

>Missing the joke this hard

what joke? no one's joking, we're all dead serious here.

A Chainsoyfag is clearly behind this thread

another poopootsu shitsen flushed


Damn, all manga that were suppose to get spoilers today got hit with a hiatus at exactly the same time. Sad af

No ones making you read it brother

If the bad jjk feelings come back take a walk or somthing

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Get the fuck off my board crossposting console war niggers.



God damn that's some seething

god damn that's some cumslurping

How do I give you Reddit gold?

By going to /r/JujutsuKaisen and agreeing with everyone that JJK is not garbage