One Piece

Eventually One Piece will end. And right now you might be complaining that the series is too long and too stretched. And when the day comes you will regret ever complaining that One Piece is too long you will wish it was back. Once One Piece is over, it will never come back. It will leave a hole like nothing else within you

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Why are OPtards so defensive?

Because their sunk cost fallacy rests on the notion that the journey will totally be worth it in the end. But the boat got leaky post-timeskip and is now sinking rapidly with no salvation in sight. So they can only double and triple down on their delusions.

it's just a pretty good shounen with some really good parts and some worse not gonna kill me

I already soft dropped OP years ago. It ending isn't going to kill me.

No it won‘t. If op has a good ending I will be incredibly satisfied. Get myself the whole collection and can enjoy the whole thing everytime I want.
I do miss pre timeskip one piece, because we saw how every strawhat fought. We got some comfy sailing chapters. But we didn‘t got a single
>we all are sailing chapter
Since fucking punkhazard dressrossa

Sailing episodes are overrated. One Piece is all about the fights.

Why does OP have the most defensive, autistic and cultlike fanbase? Every other shonen fanbase is able to happily admit that their favourite author is a hack

One piece is all about the adventure, stupid reactions, comedy moments and all these mixed with very sad moments and epic fights. The reason op feels boring is because sometimes the paxing feels dripfeed sometimes rushed.
The whole momo-sister vs. Hydra was unironically like 1 chapter with small pages on every chapter once a while instead of just doing one real chapter. When they talked about the fire, 99% forgot that it even existed

This. They were sperging about Dressrosa but they are hilariously defensive with Wano

Honestly, One Piece would improve if they didn't do cut scenes in between fights, focused on the fight from start to end and overall and by just making the fights more entertaining overall. The reason Kaido fight dragged out so much was because Oda wanted to show what other characters were doing.

because you are a tranny

Not just One Piece. Shonen Jump is over when it ends.

>Eventually One Piece will end.

When people complain it's too long they mean the pacing is shit not that it has too much content

Post-ts is actually quite empty and the closer we get to endgame the more apparent it becomes

Cope. Post-ts is so good that it actually adds content to pre-ts arcs by creating context that wasn't there originally.

Memories was such a good ending

>hurr wait for elbaf, the straw hats not named luffy will get their time to shine, this time the arc will have a small cast for sure
you retards never fucking learn

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wano tanked badly in sales, removing the only argument against other manga.
Now this manga has horrible artstyle, cheap formulaic story, hateable characters, and it sells like shit.

That is mostly because Dressrosa was a bit ass, while Wano is pretty good.

>450 chapters
>8 arcs
>3 biggest arcs combined make 70% of post-ts

>600 chapters
>23 arcs
>5 biggest arcs combined make less than 50% of pre-ts

Why didn’t the world government start a manhunt on Luffy when they first learn that he has a rubber(nika) power?
They nuked Ohara with buster call and 2 admiral level marines just because they might read the poneglyph. But they let the single fruit that can topple them run wild?

>there once was a man named kozuki oden who was shogun of the samurai
>he had wealth, fame and power beyond your wildest dreams
>before they threw him in the pot these were the final words he said
>with these words, pirates set sail for wano, hoping to make his dream come true

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It's easier to track down an island than it is to track down a man, plus the world government is largely incompetent.

This. They should have sent someone like Garp or Aokiji or Kizaru or Kuma or pwngoat after him. Shit writing.

Nah, dropped it around people-turned-to-toys island ark, will read synopsis of plot once it ends.

Literally every Straw Hat got to shine in these past two arcs but Usopp, god I wish you Nikkas would just get shot.