Is this show really as bad as people say?

Is this show really as bad as people say?

Attached: Kaguya-sama.jpg (1200x900, 160.46K)

It's started good but the main couple chemistry went to shit as time went on.
Iino is still cute.

The manga is worse than people say, show is fine on it's own

No. Nothing's ever as bad as people say; there's always people who can't tell the difference between something not suiting their tastes and it actually being badly made, and/or haven't seen much so are quick to declare something kinda bad as being the worst thing ever.

For now the show is still fine. It goes to shit shortly after they get together

Nothing really happens, but the comedy is decent
Heard it goes to shit after they confess

No, just everything after getting together.

I like it but then again I'm animeonly and I heard the manga really dropped the ball.

Instead of continuing with funny love shenanigans after kaguya and prez get together they decided to go full drama mode for every single character.

It's worse

The manga went to turbo shit after the part S3 will adapt and its fanbase are suffering heavily from sunk cost
Just pretend the manga doesn't exist then it is okay I guess

10/10 25 episode romcom dragged out for 50+ episodes.

Are you the same person using this exact image every post?

meme anime, meme manga, go read the shark girl romcom it's way better

Only if you actively try to hate everything

Yes. They implemented too much twitter shit and made the girls too realistic, meaning they all became whores.
it's like School Days, but bad, and really shit, and less interesting, and not fun.

That's why you never let the main characters fuck in dramaromcom series. Once innocence is lost there's nothing else to grapple onto and it just become netflix highschool drama plot.

Nothing is ever as good or bad as people say.

it's pretty good


Attached: [SubsPlease] Kaguya-sama wa Kokurasetai S3 - 06 (1080p) [F009C116].mkv_snapshot_00.47.819.jpg (1920x1080, 455.53K)

people fuck all the time in shojo's, and they are way better than shitty shonens

they had sex

The anime is pretty good, including the current season. The manga went to shit right after this season's finale. I didn't realize how big the gap was until I started watching the 3rd season after reading the recent chapters

Incels are just mad the protagonists had sex, series does very good comedy and drama (which the incels gate because it's too adult for them)