What is the appeal behind having a overpowered main character?

Why would someone want a character that would make the stakes non-existent as the most prominent character? How are you supposed to get hyped for any kind of a series where the main character just almost effortlessly wins all the time? I can understand it being exciting for a while but eventually it just feels like a series a five year old wrote, where their characters power was "He's the strongest and wins all the time"

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shes very sexable but i hate her faggotry and every character in the anime

Man, just look at this fucking gif. Remember when Mappa had soul? What the fuck went wrong bros?

have him be the strongest but his powers are either painful to use or to the detriment of his happiness

One-Punch Man and Mob Psycho are good examples of this. I've even seen it done well in fanfic. Although, the thing I read did it better than the other two by having the protagonist lose in logical situations and having an actual power that would probably drive a normal person insane.

That doesn't really describe Yumeko

i like seeing the tables turned on a powerful enemy

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It always depends on the execution quality and your personal preferences. Muh stakes is a meaningless buzzword argument. There's many series with "invincible" MCs that are great, in and outside of japanese media. It ultimately depends on the strength of the writing itself if it is enjoyable to read, not some idiotic disdain for trope X or Y.

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>totally not bad guy villain comes up with nice face
>totally tricks mc to play game
>turns out bad guy villain was bad and now has an ugly face
>game is rigged!!!!!
>mc eyes glow red
>win because fuck
>bad guy villain lost and now has sad ugly face and is now poorfag
>repeat it like 8 times or something
i just summarized the entire anime

You need to stop self-inserting

Yeah, those are usually only in escapist, self insert stories.

Like most light novels.

Those people love self-inserting as OP protagonists though: Saitama, Ainz, Solo Leveling guy and most isekai protags are the most striking examples of this.


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It's fun when you see them stomping everyone.

I dunno. Ask Ayanokouji Kiyokatafags

pic unrelated? she literally loses all the time

It's pretty hard to pull off when just being self aware about it gets old. The novelty wears off after the first few episodes.

Steak and fine wine become boring if you eat it every day and sometimes you just want a hamburger. If you only watch/read exceptionally good media even if the quality is high it gets kind of stale. Sometimes you just want the junk food where the guy is fucking invincible and wrecking all the people that in a normal situation would have gotten away with their evil plans.

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>Why would someone want a character that would make the stakes non-existent as the most prominent character?

Pic related is not even the most prominent in her own manga now.
> Most popular character is Mary
> Most popular couple is Mary
> Seconda most popular character is the one who is paired with Mary
> Side series is about Mary
> New netflix adaptation is about Mary

Stories are never about stakes, because you have enough meta-knowledge to understand what is happening.
The key factor in a story is how the people in it interact with it and each other. In the case of Kakegurui (and in the case of better "invincible main character" media like Akagi) it's about how others face the demon and fail. And if you do it well, it elevates the narrative, because it is no longer about the main character but the way the main character impacts the lives of others.

A good example of this is Golgo13, a legendary manga about an invincible assassin. The way his stories work is that they are about what happens to the people who get involved with Golgo and not what happens to Golgo.

>Secondary trash just watches a few eps and feels like making threads

>anons going all yadda yadda it's really fine if you know how to do it
well guess what, most authors can't fucking do it to save their lives