Do you want to quickly know the ending of a manga or do you want to enjoy it as long as you can?

Do you want to quickly know the ending of a manga or do you want to enjoy it as long as you can?

Attached: Karakai Jouzu Moto Takagi-san 0227-03.png (960x1361, 714.79K)

i don't read manga, i just shitpost on Any Forums all day every day

>do you want to enjoy it as long as you can?
only if its good

I want to enjoy it at my leisure, with it ending at a time that is appropriate to the story.

>Enjoy it for as long as you can
No, 99% of manga doesn't have a plot or gimmick that can be stretched out without watering down the stakes or in some cases changing genres entirely.

I appreciate this because it's the author telling you "yeah these two dorks are going to end up together, stop sweating the bullshit in the main story and enjoy the ride" The manga by that horny lady who just got back from maternity leave did something similar with bonus chapters. It's nice

Arakure Ojousama wa Monmon Shiteiru?

Attached: Volume 1.jpg (3023x4299, 1.19M)


i don't want to "quickly" know the ending, i just want it to be satisfying

I want to enjoy it as long as the mangaka is enjoying it. You can instantly tell when they stop giving a shit about what they're drawing.

I don't think I've read any long-running shonen that changed its genre.
Yeah it's a nice reminder to have, just lay back and enjoy the manga.
So it doesn't matter how long it takes for it to end?

I feel like in Takagi's case, because it already tells you the end, it ruins any possible build up which gives the author yet another excuse to prolong the series as long as possible without any development since you already know for sure they'll end up together. He probably shouldn't have had the sequel series run concurrently with the main series too, you should just put an end to the prequel at that point if you do that, plus it's really fucking sad knowing in the sequel series Nishikata STILL never won against Takagi in their games, which also makes the main series feel even more flat because you now know Nishikata will for sure never win. In my opinion, pic related did a better job of the "middle school characters in the previous series got married and have adventures with their kid" schtick since the author pretty much put an end to the previous series when he started the sequel.

Attached: Tonari no Seki Kun Junior.jpg (1158x1617, 312.51K)

It depends on the manga
If there's something to find out at the end then I want to know the ending quickly
If not then I probably just want to enjoy it as long as I can.

>since the author pretty much put an end to the previous series when he started the sequel
What? It ended?

I only read completed manga so It's not much an issue for me unless they're extremely long in which case I usually avoid them.

It went on an indefinite hiatus because he felt it was getting repetitive, and then he came out with the special chapter where they have a kid and then built off of that to a new series so yeah it more than likely ended.

Attached: 0129.5-004.jpg (1128x1600, 271.15K)

Except for mystery works, I always work backwards. I read the last couple chapters and then see if I like it then I start from the start.

Consider suicide

As long as the manga isn't feeling super dragged out by halfway or near ending point, I'm fine with wandering around for a while to tie up subplots/character developments.

There is no end. They're a married couple. Would seeing them on their deathbed satisfy you?

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If the characters have to achieve a goal of some kind, I want to see if they succeed, but I could read episodic things forever