ITT pretentious crap

ITT pretentious crap

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nice stealth rec thread, nimrod

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Are these kinds of threads made by teenagers who just watched it for the first time or are people really this obsessed with anime that didn't do anything for them?


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Nah she was really fucked in the head.

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Lain, texhnolyze and especially ergo proxy. The holy trinity pf pretentiousness

how is it pretentious

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Lain gets a pass for genuinely being ahead of its time.

Why do zoomers believe this? It didn't predict anything.

You thinking that I think that Lain predicted the WWW makes you a faggot, faggot. I'm talking about how it portrays ideas relating to the internet in a way that was only grasped my most years later.


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there's nothing pretentious about this series, they practically spell out the theme to you by the end

Who hurt you? You've been posting these threads for days now.
